Renal cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor of kidney arising from renal tubular epithelium
This is also referred to as Hypernephroma, Grawitz tumor or adenocarcinoma of kidney.
Occurs in 6th to 7th decades of life with a slight male preponderance
Gross and Microscopy of Renal cell carcinoma
The tumor usually arises in the poles of the kidney and the external surface is usually bosselated. The cut surface is usually solid, yellowish greywhite with ares of hemorrhage, necrosis and cystic degeneration.
There are different types namely
clear cell carcinoma
papillary carcinoma
chromophobe carcinoma
collecting duct carcinoma
The most common form of renal cell carcinoma is clear cell carcinoma. Histologically it is composed solid sheets and large nests of large round to polygonal cells which are separated by delicate branching vasculature. These cells are polygonal and have abundant clear cytoplasm.They have sharp cell borders. The cytoplasm contains lipid and glycogen. The nucleus is small round and regular and usually centrally placed. They can be pleomorphic in high grade tumors.
Find the illustrated diagram of renal cell carcinoma- clear cell type
Papillary carcinomas show papillary formation with fibrovascular cores
Chromophobe carcinomas have abundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm.
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