Salah Bone marrow aspiration needle
Parts of the needle
Adjustable side guard: This is important part, which helps in adjusting the depth of penetration of the needle.
1. What are the common indications of the bone marrow aspiration
a. Red cell disorders : megaloblastic anemia
Pure red cell aplasia
b. WBC disorders: leukemia and subleukemic leukemias,
c. Platelet disorders: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuras
d. Myeloproliferative disorders and myelodysplatic syndroms
e. Storage disorders like Gauchers disease and Neimannpick disorders
f. In evaluation of fever of unknown origin.
g. Assessment of iron stores can also be done
h. Any suspicion of metastasis
2. What is the therapeutic indication of bone marrow aspiration
Bone marrow transplantation
3. What are the preferred sites for bone marrow aspiration
a. Posterior superior iliac spine- most preferred
b. Sternum
c. Upper third of tibia in infants and children( less than 2 years)
4. What are the contraindications for Bone marrow aspiration.
There are no absolute contraindications. In thrombocytopenia and hemophilia, BMA can be done with skilled technician and the aspiration site should be kept compressed for 5 to 10 min.
5. Name the the different bone marrow aspiration needles?
a. Klima Bone marrow aspiration needle: here, the adjustable guard is present along the length of the needle. This is more secure than the side side guard present in Salah BMA needle.
b. Jemshedi disposable BMA needle
c. Illinois sternal/iliac aspiration needle
6. What is dry tap?
The bone marrow is not obtained on aspiration. Seen in aplastic anemia and myelofibrosis. Faulty technique also results in dry tap. Other causes include compactly cellular marrow as in acute leukemia and lymphomas where, it may be difficult to aspirate.
What are the common indications of the bone marrow aspiration
- Red cell disorders : megaloblastic anemia Pure red cell aplasia
- WBC disorders: leukemia and subleukemic leukemias,
- Platelet disorders: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Myeloproliferative disorders and myelodysplatic syndroms
- Storage disorders like Gauchers disease and Neimannpick disorders
- In evaluation of fever of unknown origin.
- Assessment of iron stores can also be done
- Any suspicion of metastasis
What is the therapeutic indication of bone marrow aspiration
- Bone marrow transplantation
What are the preferred sites for bone marrow aspiration
- Posterior superior iliac spine- most preferred
- Sternum
- Upper third of tibia in infants and children( less than 2 years)
What are the contraindications for Bone marrow aspiration.
There are no absolute contraindications. In thrombocytopenia and hemophilia, BMA can be done with skilled technician and the aspiration site should be kept compressed for 5 to 10 min.
What is dry tap?
The bone marrow is not obtained on aspiration. Seen in aplastic anemia and myelofibrosis. Faulty technique also results in dry tap. Other causes include compactly cellular marrow as in acute leukemia and lymphomas where, it may be difficult to aspirate.